Monday, January 7, 2013

Its a brand new year, and I've got the same badass attitude

Happy New Year everyone! 2013 is upon us and its time for my annual first of the year post. The new year is a time to make resolutions you rarely intend on keeping, and now with the invention of social media, brag about it to everyone you may or may not actually know for about the first two weeks of the year before you stop bothering because no one give a good rats ass about it. Ohhhhhh wow you are going climb Mount Everest and run a marathon this year, and are going to finally finish that project you started 6 years ago?! Bra-fucking-vo butthole. I mostly make resolutions as a challenge to myself to see if my inner self has any fortitude. Hint: I totally don't. My inner self can be kind of an asshole. Also? She's lazy as all get out. I totally blame her for all the stuff I say I will do but I really won't.

New years are all about washing away the negative from the previous year. It's a time to resolve past issues and get them out of your life. A time to move on and upward. A time to start fresh, to live life more fully yada yada yada. But let's be honest, do we really need a new year to do all of that? Of course not. It's just an excuse we use for about the second half of the year as a goal date to do all the crapola we don't in any way want to do and are putting off as long as humanly possible. Lose the weight we gained. Start a new habit. Learn a new skill. Go back to school. The lame ass list can go on and on. The reality is we shouldn't have to wait for a new year to do any of this...but we do and we will continue to do so because we are procrastinators. Don't bother thinking to yourself, oh not me I am a go getter, a super mom, a powerhouse....I get shit done! Please fool, you are struggling to get through each day with kids, spouses, work, family and life just like the rest of us little peons. I think this year instead of a resolution I am going to once again make some goals for myself that probably I won't keep, mostly because I am lazy and would rather watch The Real Housewives of anywhere. My inner self will take advantage and be all, you totes shouldn't do it, just sit around and do nothing instead, come on, it'll be so super fun. Your kids are sleeping, now is your chance to take a nap too!! Screw that pile of laundry and sink full of dishes. My inner self is not only an asshole but kind of similar to a drug pusher apparently.

Side rant: Am I the only one that is driven insane by those people who are always talking about how incredibly busy their life is and how they have sooooo much to do all the time, and they are just scheduled to the max for the next 42 weeks and can't possibly make it to anything because they have kids, or a husband, and/or a stressful job? I hope you fall off that high horse and land on your loaching ass in a mud puddle that isn't mud at all, but poo, you annoying person you. You honey, are just like the rest of us. We have kids. We work. We have husbands, and family, and activities and appointments and committees and meetings and on and on. I don't want to hear you moan and complain about how Fifi has advanced ballet with a world renowned teacher 3 times a week 45 miles away because she is definitely the next (insert some fancy ballet persons name here), and Reginald III has cricket in Walnut Creek, and little Alcott is already potty trained at 18 months and speaking two languages. In the meantime I'm over here like, yeah buddy, my kids are alive still and make it to the bathroom like 87% of the time! Boom...nailed it! Mother of the year right here.

But in the end all of our lives are as busy as we choose to make them. I get my sloth like ass up at 4:00 am every frigging day, go to work for 9 hours, pick up my kids, go to whatever is scheduled that day, go home and start prepping for the next day with packing lunches, getting clothes laid out, making dinner, giving baths and putting kids to bed. Like...every...other...parent....everywhere. Then at 8:00 I get to sit my ass down even though I should be doing laundry or cleaning my house, and I watch TV. That's right, I sit on my wicked lazy ass and watch TV for approximately one hour until I pass out because I can't possibly stay up. Don't get me wrong, there are also those parents we all envy who do it all and you never hear them complain, and they make it look so fucking easy. I totally want to wiener punch them and add a double boob punch just for good measure for making me look so lame. Just kidding not really, I'm just jealous. Seriously though, knock it off. I'm fine with being a braggy braggerson about your kids because you are so totally going to hear about every awesome thing my little rugrats do but don't be so damn dramatic about it people! We geeeeeeet it, you're busy. Do you want a damn brownie button. Just shut your yap hole and bitch to your friends like the rest of us. No one likes to hear about how super busy you always are. Figure it the fuck out or stop doing it for fucks sake. Spoiler, I feel like cussing a lot tonight. You're welcome.

Back to subject at hand, the new year. Well crap, I got all ranty and forgot what I was going to say. It was probably going to change your life too. Blame the busy people, they made me forget. Let me distract you with some cute pics of my kids being really busy and amazing. See what I did there?

Oh you're still here? Damn. Ok lets see what I can come up with. I suppose I can quickly sum up my year. The first half was same as last year, TJ home with the girls and us getting by fairly happily. One of the biggest changes in our family was Bailey starting preschool and TJ going back to work. It has been a very stressful time with only one income and the dynamic not exactly as planned with one of us staying home but I am so glad we did. Our home life shifted completely in August with now two full time working parents and both girls in full time preschool and daycare...but its been a positive change. We are all happier and the girls whine every day when I pick them up that they didn't even get to play enough!! I got to go away for my birthday for a girls weekend with my best friends and it was exactly what I wanted it to be. Relaxing, and fun, and ridiculous. We laughed too much, cried a little, drank a lot, danced, sang, and made memories. I love those three girls and cherish those friendships more than they will ever know. 

The kids are growing and changing so fast I resolve to continue to make sure and take the time to out to just hang out with them. To watch them ballet dance in my room to the music they have picked out. To let them jump on the beds, and run screaming through the house playing tag. To getting flashlights out and play with them in the dark hallway. To take rainwalks that end up being puddle swimming walks. To let them get dirty and have fun and be kids. The activities and lessons are great and they love them so much and gets out so much energy! But there is something to be said for the lazy family days, staying in your pajamas all day on purpose and laying around on the playroom floor being doctored by my kids, and playing with the kitchen set. The years will fly by and way too soon they won't want to lay in bed cuddling me.

Damn it again, this was supposed to be about the new year. For this year I resolve to do a couple of things. I may or may not do them due to the inner asshole but whatevs. First, I will do annual, if not bi-annual or more often mommy and me days and insist TJ do the same. I think these days will be really important in the future in keeping in touch with my girls as they grow. I will add in Kylie and Jonathan at least once per year to do an Aunty and me day. They need to know how very very important they are to me just the same as they always have been, even now that I have my own kids and don't get to see them every single day like I used to. I will update the damn blog more often...this I say every year and never do it. But now that I have a nice laptop no more excuses because it can be done from the comfort of my bed. I will work on my photography. That one I actually did some of this year. I did a maternity shoot for Sarah that I thought came out great! That's all I am saying for now because I'm tired and Doctor Who is calling and its my bedtime. This post was all over the place but I don't really care. 

Nightly night y'all.

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