Sunday, July 10, 2011

My new obsession...his name is Canon

It's been awhile my faithful 12 followers. I can never think of anything to write about..sad right? I get home from work and if both girls are still napping the only thing I can possibly do is lay down and take a catnap. What has my life become? Oh yeah, the life of a mom. Its all well worth it let me assure you, but sometimes holy crap do I just want to lay down for a little while without the pitter patter of little feet down the hall as the precursor to a little face appearing at the edge of my bed to "whisper" to me. Anyhoot the real point of this post is to blather on about my new favorite Canon Rebel T2i. Cost me an arm and both legs but it was so worth it. I have no idea how to use it most of the time so I just randomly change settings until I see what it does.

Of course when I bought it my husband was all like "can we afford that?" and I'm all "no, but I'm gonna buy it at Best Buy with 18 months of free financing". Then he was like "we should get another point and shoot" and I'm all "seriously our kids are only this size for a short while and I want the best pics I can". Then he went off to look at video games which was so totally not helpful. Listen, I can't help that the old camera broke. See the thing is I have been drooling over the DSLR camera for like a year and he has been like we have a perfectly good camera and until that breaks we are NOT getting another one, blah blah blah. And I'm all dude you are hella annoying with your sound reasoning. Of course he was right which is just so flipping lame.

Conveniently enough the old point y shoot broke the day before Easter...and I swear on baby Jesus I did not break it. It just stopped working, Erin and Shawn were there...I have witnesses. So now I have no camera and two completely gorgeous kids that must be documented for posterity.On the outside I was like son of a bitch now we have to buy a new camera. Of course inside I was like "YEAH!!! What's up now bitches!!!! Suck it old camera!". I'm pretty sure my camera wanted me to have the new one. It sacrificed itself to the greater good.

So now that I have the new camera I am learning how to use it and cannot believe the quality of pictures. But that has led to the purchase of an editing program and a wish list of presets a mile long. I'm getting pretty decent I must say. Here is an old pic I took. Pretty good with my old point and shoot.

But here are some taken and edited with my new camera and edited in Lightroom.

look at the color and detail....awesome right?

So now all thats left to do is learn how to really use all the features. I got a sweet Groupon deal for an all day beginning photography class in September where I will hopefully learn all I need to know to use my camera. I have taken over 1000 pictures now and even the baby looks and smiles now...maybe I torture them too much with posing? Nah...thats just crazy. Until next time my friends...


  1. Love it! Yay for an all day class, you'll have to keep me posted! :)

  2. that was sooooo funny and sooooo Jeni! You write just like you talk and I love that, makes it really fun to read out loud!
    Loved the bit of spanglish you tossed in there "point y shoot"...lmao
    thanks also for the inspiration to do my own blog and get some of the rambling rubble outta my head!

  3. Thanks Kristal. I try to intentionally write my blogs in that fashion. I want it to be a funny read about my life.

  4. And l love that you picked up on my Spanglish. That's exactly what I meant by it. I use that all the time.
